My Army Daze......
Like all other guys in Singapore, I've served my NS for 2 years & 4 months from April 97 - August 99. Life in the army, though tough, but it nevertheless has left unforgettable memories in my life. Below are just some of the pictures taken with my colleagues in my department - The MT (Motor Transport) Line, before I went ORD.
Before I became a Sergeant, I had to go through a supervisor course at Seletar Camp (Prior to this course, I had already completed an assistant course in the same place and got promoted to a Corporal). The above photo is the group of soldiers from camps all over Singapore who have qualified for the supply supervisor course, including the 4 instructors in the first row. Can you see me? I'm in the 2nd row, 3rd from the left...
This photograph was taken with my assistant, Rafiet, at the Driclad Centre. Then, he just returned from a 1-year attachment to another camp in Thailand.
Another photograph taken with a Vehicle Mechanic, Kuan Han, at another corner of the Driclad Centre.
On the right in the photograph is my 'under-study', Shaun, another assistant of mine who took over me after I went ORD. nice of me not to punish him smoking right beside me - someone who cannot stand smoke! :p
Finally, this is Shahin, one of the happy-go-lucky people in my department, a driver by vocation in my unit.